South Landing CrossFit – CrossFit
15 min amrap or 3 rounds for time (or whichever comes first):
Accumulate 1 min L-sit/tuck
100ft/side single arm OH DB carry
1 min/side hold side plank
10 dragonfly sit ups
Split Jerk (5-4-3-2-1)
*May be a split jerk OR a push jerk. Your choice.
*If you are newer to the “jerk” movement, you may also substitute Push Press.
*In between each set, complete Shuttle Farmers Carry
Extra Credit
Every 2 Minutes x3 Rounds
20-30 Seconds top support ring hold
Double under practice in remaining time of 2 minutes
Alternating Tabata (20 seconds on/10 seconds off… 4 rounds of each movement)
No Pushup Burpees