It’s easy to get in a rut sometimes with cooking. Here are 5 of our top recipes that we love in the winter!
This baked spaghetti is a great recipe for dinner with the family or meal prep for lunches! Flavor is great, it’s simple to make, and you can even freeze leftovers. Click here to enjoy!
We love this buffalo chicken casserole. It’s been a long time staple for us. Lots of veggies. Lots of flavor. Lots of protein. It’s a win win. Click here to enjoy!
These Thai Peanut Chicken Bowls are great for meal prep lunches or to put together for dinner one week night. We love how many veggies are in them, and we like to sometimes even add other veggies that are in season. Click here to enjoy!
We’re convinced this is the best Chili recipe you’ll find out there. It’s a staple recipe once the weather gets cold outside. We like to top it with fresh cilantro, red onion, and a little sour cream. Click here to enjoy!
This recipe is extremely simple (hello crockpot!), and it’s perfect for when life is busy and you need something fast. Pair it with some rice and a fresh veggie and you’re all set. Click here to enjoy!